Blake’s Impact

Blake was passionate about his family and friends. He loved spending time with people, learning about their passions and goals and helping them achieve them. He was supportive, yet pushed himself, and others, to be their best. He had an infectious smile and laugh, and a terrific sense of humor. 

He loved his family and friends, so this section is for you...his family and friends. If you have your own memory of Blake you would like to share, please send an email to

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Blake Hillary

“For me, Blake, you were my best friend. In 2008, you transferred to Tri-Valley and we instantly clicked, becoming best friends. Through everything, we were always there for each other, there was nothing that would come between our friendship in the end. You, and your family were a huge influence on me growing up. I looked at your family as they were my family, and I know you felt the same way. You and your family brought me to church for the first time. You are the person who talked me into dating my now fiancé, 8 years ago. You are the reason I strive to be a better person daily.“

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Coach Tanner Springer

“Blake was an amazing athlete; however, being a good athlete is not what makes a leader. The fact that he was a great athlete granted him the opportunity to lift up those around him and he didn’t disappoint. He was kind. He was funny. He was Godly. But the most important character trait that he had in my opinion is that he was selfless. He would’ve done anything for anyone at the drop of a hat.”

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Bridgett Roop

“There is something about Blake that has a huge place in my heart. Maybe it’s because he was our QB, but it’s because I knew he loved us off the field and was a boy of God. Blake had this swagger on the field, a tender heart, a hug for days, and smile that could light up a football field.”

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Jenni Onsrud

“You should be very proud of your son and I know you are.  It gives me comfort knowing he had such strong faith. I pray God will hold you and give you comfort and strength to cherish the wonderful memories of Blake and all the lives he touched.”

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Howard Mori

“I will always remember his smile and love for Life! I know he made a difference in this world!”

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Lynda Butler

“After Blake’s service my son said, ‘Mom, Blake really was all that. I’m putting his verse on my basketball shoes. Maybe I’ll play better. He was a stud.’ He continued, ‘Do you think anyone received Christ there? I bet they did.’”

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Jimmy Roach

“As I woke up overlooking the North GA mountains I couldn’t help but think how amazing the view was and how I would want to come back more often with all of those that I love.  I also couldn’t help but think Blake was lifted up over these mountains and above the clouds.  He now has the greatest view, every day, over all of us.  I hope that one day I can have that same view that he has.”

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Kara Marshall

“What I want Jeff and Debbie to know is that Blake is still touching people. He brought me back to the church. He renewed my wish to have personal relationship with God.”

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Stephanie Lopez

“Blake’s life, the service to honor him, and your family’s testimony has had great impact in my life and in the hearts of many people I know.  The impact for me — to follow Blake’s accomplished mission to live life with intentionality and with boldness.”

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Steve Ensley

“Blake has always been special to me. I remember telling him how proud I was when he won the county athlete of the year award. I told him I wasn’t so proud about the award but rather the example he was to others. That’s what always came across with Blake. He understood his life meant something, and he had a responsibility to lead others. He certainly was a leader.”

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John Caywood

“When I think of Blake, two words come to mind: Passionate and hardworking. It did not matter what Blake did, he did it with passion. Sports, Sales, you name it — he did not do anything without genuine effort. His work ethic allowed him to be successful in any endeavor he put his mind to.”

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Todd Hoyt

“What a young man. A leader in life, yes. A leader in spirit, no doubt.”

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Steve Driscoll

“Words cannot express the overwhelming sorrow and joy after attending Blake’s funeral today. I worked with Blake at John Caywood’s agency, as a vendor (restoration company owner) for over two years. If I had a son, of valor, honor and love of Jesus Christ, I would adopt Blake.”

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Braden Herrman

“You are forever the best of the best, Blake.”

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Tyler Halloran

“Every step I take in my life I think about Blake. I miss that Blake. I hope you guys know the Blake you raised helped raise us all.”

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Caleb Strader

“There is no doubt that I am a better person for having met and worked with Blake. I will miss talking sports, business, and the ups and downs of life. As I raise my boys, I will keep the memory of Blake close and hope they develop all the traits and character that I saw in Blake.”

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Terry Elston

“I loved your son and everything he stood for. #8 and #24 left a legacy at Tri Valley for others to follow and his life inspired us all to do our best and serve the Lord.  I will miss him and look forward to the day when we will all meet again!”

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Linda Hale

“Some people make a bold statement during their lives. Blake Cowden is one of those people.”

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Kirstie Davis

“I feel sorry for your Mom / I feel bad for your Dad / I know you’d of been a hero to the kids you’ll never have / Ya know I just don’t get it and I’ll never understand / Why you’re not here living the life you had planned”

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Tom Brokaw

“Blake did such a good job, I knew from the very beginning how fortunate I was to have him working for me. His future seemed to be unlimited.”

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