Stephanie Lopez

“Overwhelmingly beautiful, the only expression that came to mind as I experienced the tribute to Blake’s amazing life.  I never thought the words beautiful and funeral could go together in the same sentence but beautiful is the only word that came to me that day as I witnessed heartwarming testimonies, soul-felt worship and a purely transparent family who was rooted in faith so much so that God’s comforting arms were evidently wrapped around them that day.  Blake’s life, the service to honor him, and your family’s testimony has had great impact in my life and in the hearts of many people I know.  The impact for me--to follow Blake’s accomplished mission to live life with intentionality and with boldness.  I keep his photo at my desk as a constant reminder to live out my faith and proactively look for opportunity to share Christ unashamedly with those around me as Christ is the sole source of value and hope in this life.  This is something I have failed at demonstrating time and time again.  Additionally, I am now even more intentional in my home with teaching my own children what it means to live out a faith based life.  Not something we merely say we believe, or just attend church but something we live out.  As for those at work around me, many were aware I profess to be a Christian and I’ve engaged in conversations with many about church and faith. Those conversations had up and to this point only been surface level as their hearts were not open to digging deeper.  However, the message of Blake’s life and the message at this service has opened greater opportunities to dig deeper with those same people.  I do not know to the extent of where the conversations may lead but god is stirring in the hearts of many and opening doors to come to know Him.”

Helle Creative // Claire Allen

Specializing in branding, web + print design ✦ Ready to become your collaborative partner for all your design needs ✦ Based in West Asheville, NC

Kara Marshall


Steve Ensley