Coach Tanner Springer

“I’ve written and rewritten this letter quite a few times since I heard that Blake passed. I think I finally have enough of my thoughts together to actually deliver it to you guys. I don’t have words.  No one does. It will never make sense. I have prayed, agonized, and tried to understand but I know I never will.  I think there is so much social media in today’s world that I wanted to send you guys a handwritten letter.  I don't know why exactly...I guess I just wanted to take the time to let you guys know what Blake meant to me.

I don’t know if you know me or if we’ve ever met in person, but I was fortunate enough to coach Blake in football. He was one of the most fun, gracious, and enjoyable kids I’ve ever coached.  He was a leader in every sense of the word. He lifted up his teammates and coaches.  He managed to convince his teammates that they were capable of more than they thought.  He was one of the best leaders we’ve ever had.

He was an amazing athlete; however, being a good athlete is not what makes a leader. The fact that Blake was a great athlete granted him the opportunity to lift up those around him and he didn’t disappoint. He was kind. He was funny. He was Godly. But the most important character trait that he had in my opinion is that he was selfless. He would’ve done anything for anyone at the drop of a hat. Not because it would’ve gotten likes on FaceBook, or because other people would praise him, he just didn’t seem to care about things like that.  He did the right things and treated people kindly for one simple reason...because it’s the right way to live your life.  He learned that from mom and dad and you guys should be very proud.

I don’t stay in touch with enough former players as I should. Blake is one I will always regret.  I check in/up on players from time to time, but Blake made me realize why I don’t do a good enough job.  It’s because I don’t worry about kids like him.  I worry about our players that have adversity they have to continue to overcome in their lives.  I never worried about Blake.  I always knew that no matter what he chose to do with his life, he would be successful and continue to lift up those around him.  I will not take that for granted in the future and will do my best to stay in contact with the kids I coach moving forward.  

I am so so sorry and I know there is nothing I can write that will change anything even though of course, I wish there were.  I am praying for you guys and I just wanted you guys to know the impact he had on me and what I thought of him.  He started our football program on a path to success, led the basketball team, and hilariously auditioned as a pitcher at one open gym.  I also coached baseball and I have to say, he tried his hardest but for a kid with such talent...he was a terrible pitcher. :)

I don’t know if this letter will help you guys at all or make you smile at all, but I pray that it didn’t make things worse.  Again, I know there is nothing anyone can say or do, but he is amazing...he lifted me and those around him up in ways he’ll never know.  I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. He had an impact on me more than he will ever know. The same goes for athletics, the community, and all of Tri-Valley.”

Helle Creative // Claire Allen

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Blake Hillary


Bridgett Roop