What We Do

The Foundation is honored to be able to further Blake's legacy by supporting the causes and initiatives that were important to Blake, his faith, and his family.

The foundation supports the importance of leadership in our local High School by awarding the Blake Cowden Leadership Scholarship to a Tri-Valley High School senior who exhibits strong leadership qualities and positively impacts his/her peers during their high school career. 

Additionally, the foundation looks to support and partner with other organizations and churches in the support of youth leadership. Just as Blake carried his leadership skills with him past high school, we hope that by supporting other young people like Blake, more students can follow in his footsteps.


Who We Support

The Blake Cowden Leadership Foundation is proud to support causes and initiatives that were important to Blake, his faith, and his family.


The Blake Cowden Leadership Foundation is proud to provide a leadership scholarship to a senior Tri-Valley Vikings High School varsity team captain.

Young Leaders In Action (YLIA) is a youth-led initiative of The Community Foundation of Macon County and Rotary Club #180 of Decatur. Through monthly meetings and volunteer opportunities, YLIA/Interact members will enhance their leadership, communication, social, and analytical skills.

Diamond Arrow Christian Conference Center was where Blake attended his church's annual Family Camp and Youth Camp. Located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. It was a special place to Blake and his family, and it was where Blake chose to be baptized in 2007. Diamond Arrow's goal is to be one of the premier conference centers in Northern California and strives to win souls to Jesus by sharing God's word through his creation.

Teach One to Lead One (T1L1) is a community mentoring program that teaches universal principles to lead kids at-risk into a life of purpose and potential.

North Central Illinois Fellowship of Christian Athletes seeks to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.


If you or your organization are interested in joining this list, please reach out to support@blakecowden.org for more information.


Who We Are

We, Blake’s family, are both pleased and honored to share that the Blake Cowden Leadership Foundation, a non-profit corporation, has been established. We look forward to providing opportunities to encourage and develop young leaders like Blake, and we believe that making lasting contributions to our community and those who live here through educational and social development and encouragement is the most befitting way to honor Blake and something he would be proud of. 

We would like to thank each of you who remember Blake and continue to help build his legacy. We think that Blake would be proud and appreciative of the efforts everyone continues to make in keeping him close to our hearts, and his memory alive. Blake would be the first to remind us that we are a team and that strength can be found amongst our family and friends. Thank you for helping us celebrate Blake and the impact he has made in each of our lives.


Jeff and Debbie Cowden
Laura, Michael, Caden, Eli, and Aubrey Anderson
Kyle, Madi, Kinsley, and Lincoln Threewit
Brittany Bernas

Future Plans

The Blake Cowden Leadership Foundation plans to be involved in supporting various leadership curriculum and activities in schools. Additionally, we plan to do the same in church youth groups with the goal of providing faith based tools to encourage confidence, growth, and impact in the living out of their Christian life and in the sharing of their faith. 

If your school or your church are interested in partnering with us for our future plans, please click here to reach out; we would love to hear your ideas.