“100P”: A Note on Talent

By Jeff Cowden

A friend of mine recently sent me an article on talent by John Maxwell.  What resonated with me most was that no matter how talented you are, it’s never enough to be successful without making the right choices to maximize the talent.  We need to make the right choices that will compliment the talent that we were gifted.


Blake was blessed with many talents, particularly in athletics; however, what separated him from many other good players was his work ethic. He used the phrase “100 P” (short for 100 percent), and he encouraged his teammates to always give “100 P.” Upon graduation from college, his boss also commented on his “100 P” in everything he did. To give “100 P” in everything he did was his choice. It was a choice he made to maximize the talent he was gifted. He wouldn’t have been as good had he not made that choice.

No matter how talented you are, the choices you make will determine the maximizing of your talent, or the minimizing of that talent.  Remember that you are the steward of your talent...when you are given the gift of talent you are responsible for maximizing it, and you are accountable to this.

Don’t sit on your talent! Take it and maximize it by the choices you make. The stewardship of responsibility you have helps you to take that strength and maximize it to its greatest potential.

Thanks to my friend Wallace for sending me the article. And thanks to Blake for showing me how to live it out.


Scholarship Recipient: Braden Zenor


“Much Too Soon” (Blake’s Song)